There Really Is Sumptin’ ’bout Mary

Mary Padian, as we know her on Storage Wars: Texas, is a refreshing drink of water in the Storage Auction reality TV scene. Her style is a welcomed break from the in yo’ face confrontations that seem to be the norm in reality TV today.

Some people may like the yelling, name calling and fighting however; I tend to tune out when it becomes excessive. In reality, the fighting on the TV shows doesn’t really happen at Storage Auctions. If it were to happen, that person would not be welcomed back for a long time.

Here is an interesting interview from Living NEO Green where Ms. Mary talks about going green and what she is doing to help the cause. The interviewer isn’t creating much of a flow for the interview and there are some uncomfortable moments. But, Ms. Mary seems to be an inviting interview and overcomes the tense moments with her ability of making us smile.
Yes, there is something about this homegrown gal that brings a smile to everybody’s face. Don’t let the facade fool you, the lady is a sharp cookie.

If you are interested in learning more about Ms. Mary you can watch her on the Storage Wars: Texas TV Show, read her LinkedIn Page, visit her Facebook Fan Page, or see what she has created on her Web Site, Mary’s Finds.

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