Bid Fail

Bid Fail

The players; Carolyn Giannelli, Ton Jones and Allen Half – Auction Hunters! – Carolyn Goes Topless!

This is a classic example of not keeping track of where your competing bidders are standing. I’m not trying to point out that Carolyn is some sort of a dufus or anything. She definatly isn’t and I think she is a sharp cookie. Afterall, she was sharp enough to get noticed and be on several of the Auction Hunters shows. This is however a good demonstration of what not to do at a storage auction.

In the video we see all our main players are interested in the ‘Vette. The crowd is talking about it and you can feel that this isn’t going to be a cheap auction. Hell, it’s a freakin’ ‘Vette in appearently pristine condition. Who wouldn’t want that if the price was right.

Right out of the box Allen and Ton try to get into Carolyns’ head. “Can We Make A Deal?” LOL! What is the old saying? “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts” I don’t know if Allen and Ton are greeks but, they sure did have a gift and wanted that car. Warning Will Robertson!

The auction starts…

You can see in the video that Ton is standing right behind Carolyn while he was bidding. We saw Ton use this same biding tactic in the episode where the guys went to Chinatown. Standing behind a bidder and bidding yourself is a great tactic to use in a large crowd. The bidder in front doesn’t know, or realize, it was another bid that was accepted and they think they are the high bidder.

FWIW, what I do in a big crowd (if I know somebody behind me is bidding) is take a large step backward as I am bidding. What this does is create motion for the auctioneer to notice and somewhat limits the motion of the person standing behind me. Especially if I step on his or her foot while stepping backwards. Okay, maybe a little bit crude but it works…

Back to the video.

Ton ends up as the high bidder and Carolyn is noticably pissed off.

Made for TV? Carolyn’s reaction to not being the high bidder was a little bit over the top. We don’t really know if this is what she would do normally. Most all of the seasoned bidders in my area would not have given any reaction that they were bothered by not being the high bidder. And I think this is true for most of the auctions across the country. I got to say however, it was funny as all heck to see her stomp off like that.

A second lesson can be learned from this video. There is no reason to get pissed off. It goes like this; Win Some, Lose Some, Which Auction Is Next? The active Auction Hunter will go to hundreds if not tens of auctions before finding that perfect locker. The odds of walking away with that perfect locker is less likely than most think.

There ain’t Gold Bars in all them lockers…

Many thanks go to SpikeTV for posting the video on YouTube. I wish Y’all would post more on YouTube instead of the other site.

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