Florida Lien Law

Florida Lien Law

It is looking like Florida is the next state to make a change to their Self Storage Lien Law.

What the Florida legislators want to do is remove the requirement for requiring Storage Facilities to use newspaper legal notices for their sale announcements. Instead, the use of a Internet Web Site that is publicly viewable will be an acceptable alternative.

There seems to be a lot of discussion about this matter going on across the country. Florida joins several other states in making this change.

The newspapers are not very happy with the change however. Why would they be, it is taking a large amount of income off the table if the law does go through. With the popularity of newspapers diminishing it looks like this law might cause even more problems for the newspaper industry. Could they get hurt enough to cause them to shut down? Only time will tell the story.

In my opinion, going to a online web site would be a blessing. It would make finding storage auctions even easier for web sites like this one.

The original story can be found here:
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