There are many different ways to determine the value of a Self-Storage locker when the doors open and the auctioneer says, “What Do You Give?”

The differences of the ways to tell the value of a locker are about as many as the number of people at an auction. Just about everybody has his or her own special template for determining the value of an auctioned locker. Some say the presence of a lot of dust does it. Some look at the way the locker was packed. Others may even say the presence of a large number of black plastic bags is financial death of a Self-Storage Auction Buyer.

I think it is good to take in all ways of evaluating the value of a locker and work with all of them. There is no certain way of telling what a locker is worth. The more ways of looking at a storage locker you have in your toolbox the better off it will be for you.

Here is a short video of the Storage Wars Texas cast describing what they look for and hopefully, adding a couple of tools for you.
